I had a busy weekend of assignments for GLW magazine. I covered the Great Jazz for Great Kids fundraiser concert on Friday night, benefiting Caring About Kids, Inc. The concert was held at the Boarshead Theater in downtown Lansing.
Saturday morning, I was off to Saturn of Grand Ledge to cover a "woman's day" event, featuring local vendors and seminars to help "make your life easier". I met some nice ladies from Curves, Mary Kay, Dream Dinners, and Arbonne.
Saturday afternoon, I covered an event for the Michigan Moms publication. Super Hero & Princess Fantasy Fun night, sponsored by the Okemos Community Education. There were lots of families enjoying food, crafts, games & fun!
Saturday evening, I attended the Junior League "Night in New York" event at the Country Club of Lansing. It was a beautiful event, very elegantly decorated. Great food, music, silent suction, fashion show, and casino style games. Photo: Monica Harris from WFMK, and David Andrews from WILX at Country Club of Lansing. Photo by Tammy Sue Allen for Lansing State Journal. Copyright Lansing State Journal.